Monday, 16 November 2009

A quick update

I apologise but this is going to be a very short post. This is mostly due to a lack of pre-planning on my part and a very slow internet connection that has resulted in me taking far longer than I should have to sort out all of my little internet odd-jobs which I wanted to finish before settling into my post writing.

Something that I realised was that I never set the scene for my hike across New Zealand and my previous post just jumped into the fray. So I will set the stage, albeit a little retrospectively.

Our plan has been (and currently is) to road trip down New Zealand, starting off in Auckland and ending up nearly one month later in Christchurch. For those of you who do not know (and don't have the time to look it up on wiki) New Zealand is split into two islands, imaginatively named the North and South islands. The North Island has the majority of the population of the country as well as the capital city - Wellington. By contrast, the South island has amazing panoramic scenery and adrenaline packed activities.

We started our journey in Auckland, in the North island and have steadily worked our way south powered along in our tiny rental car. The previous post just gave some general commentary on my views of the country and the next post will give greater details of towns and activities that were undertaken. xx

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